We are interested in Low Energy Computing where computing occurs due to the coupling of the computing elements. In conventional computing, electrons flow from one points to another to process information. In Nano-computing-Resaerch-Group@EE-Univ. of South florida, we pursue a novel cellular automata computing paradigm, where state of the computing elements change and the next computing element couples to the change in the previous computing element and extreme low power dissipation is possible.
In Quantum Cellular Automata, each computing cell has four Q-dot and two electrons. Electrons occupy the diagonal Q-dots to minimize the overall energy. Inter-cell barrier confines the electrons in the cell. However, electrons in the neighboring cells allign
themselves accroding to the driver cell transfering information. Various cells including a shift register, inverter etc are fabricated and large designs are have been proposed using four phase clocking scheme.
We are interested in modeling reliablity, defect, design and power-error trade-offs in Quantum Cellular Automata.
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